Access and Transportation
The proposal is adjacent to the A27, part of the strategic road network designed to accommodate HGV flows.
The Temple Bar Interchange is the only grade separated access junction to the A27 in Chichester, and one of only three on the A27 in West Sussex, making this a good location for a new employment development in transport terms.
The A27 around Chichester is known to suffer peak period traffic congestion, but logistics and manufacturing development traffic flows are less focused on peak periods compared to residential traffic, and transport plans can ensure that both servicing and shift patterns.
Creating employment next to new homes will reduce the need for residents to commute to work and potentially find employment outside the borough.
The development will be able to contribute towards improvements to the A27 around Chichester to reduce congestion.
Sustainability and Public Transport
To ensure that local people, including the new residents of the forthcoming new housing schemes around Tangmere and Westhampnett, are able to take advantage of the new jobs at the site, and can get to work without needing to use their cars, the plans include:
Improving cycle and pedestrian routes between Tangmere and Westhampnett
Contributing to local bus services